JEREMY STEINBERG taught an Adult clinic March 25-26 and will be back for June 10-11: Contact Julie@Shannondale/com if you would like to ride.
GDCTA will be bringing DAVID BLAKE( CA.) here to do the GDCTA YOUTH CLINIC this summer.
USEF REGION 3 DRESSAGE CLINIC with DEBBIE MCDONALD will be at Shannondale June 17/18. Apply with USEF for ride/audit slots directly!
JJ TATE will also be hosted by GDCTA for a Fall clinic date. She is always a big favorite due to her Team Tate Academy and her classical training.
BENT JENSEN is another fabulous dressage coach that GDCTA is working on for a Fall date.
and yes... our farm is for sale.... We will still continue to bring educational events to our area, even if our location changes. Shannondale Farm is in the dressage education business. Hopefully, the next stewards of our beautiful farm will want to support equestrian education the way we do. If so, we will help them succeed!