July 23-24, 2022
Janet Foy’s wide range of experience and unique perspective and teaching style make this clinic a must-attend for riders and auditors of all levels. No matter what type of horse you’re riding, Janet can help you work through common problems and improve your riding.
Riders must be GDCTA members (if you are not already a member, you may wait to be selected before you join)
Apply by May 23, 2022: Riders will be chosen by 'raffle' and will be contacted by May 31.
The price is $500 per rider (2 rides) and $125 for stabling for the weekend.
Payment is due by June 23, 2022 (you may pay by "registering" for this event)
This clinic will offer 8 rider slots. Rider selection raffle will draw for:
2 juniors, 2 adult amateurs, 2 professionals
and 2 "wild cards"
To be part of the rider raffle, email Caren Caverly ccaverly@comcast.net with your name, your category (Jr/YR / AA / Open) and your riding level.